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Butter Braid Pick Up

11/3/2022 9:47 am


Our butter braid packages will be delivered to Jackson TODAY, Thursday, 11/3. We will not be able to deliver them to the classrooms. Please plan to come to school to pick up your child's sales right after school starting at 2:30 near the front office. You must park in the parking lot (not the carpool line) to come in. 

First grade sold the most butter braids and have earned a popcorn party! Here are the totals:

  • Prek - 40%

  • K - 68%

  • 1st - 115%

  • 2nd - 104%

  • 3rd - 101%

  • 4th - 71%

  • 5th - 19%

Thank you to all of the students and staff for all that you did to make this an amazing fundraiser for our school. We sold $6,770.00 and our profits are $2708.00!!!! I am so very proud of our school for making this happen.


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